Why Join

What are the Benefits?
  • Pride in helping your community
  • Become part of a Team
  • Learn new skills
  • Discovering the living history of the fire service
  • Personal Satisfaction
How Do I Learn More About the Company?
The society meets on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm. This is an ideal time to come down to meet current members and get a better idea of the variety of departmental functions.

The Schuylkill Historical Fire society is also open by appointment. Your tour guide can provide you with an application.

What if I Have No Experience?
No problem. If you’re willing to learn we have plenty of opportunities to work around the museum. We also conduct ongoing fundraisers at the station and around the community. We’re looking for people who are willing to spend a little time learning about their community and its surrounding areas while enjoying the experience.

What if I Think I Am too Busy to Join?
This is the same situation for every member, that’s why you’re important! We ask people to attend functions and events when they’re available.

What if I Don't Want to Work in the Museum?
There are many other ways you can help! There is administrative duties, upkeep of the station, and several committees on which you can help. Productive adminstration is important!.

What Are the Requirements?
Senior members must be at least 18 years old. Members can be from any state or location. Dues are collected yearly and go towards the upkeep and maintenance of our apparatus and buildings.
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Schuylkill Historical Fire Society | 105 South Jardin Street | Shenandoah, PA 17976 | Phone: 570.462.4400
© KMT Enterprises 2011